
Services I offer


Prior to any commencement of counselling, an initial assessment interview with the client is essential.

Finding the right counsellor can be a daunting prospect. I offer all prospective clients a free 30-45 minute on-line or telephone appointment.
This assessment enables the client to get a feel for what counselling involves and how it may help them. It gives the client the opportunity to ask any questions or raise any concerns they may have prior to making the decision to go ahead.
This assessment also allows me to assess the client’s needs so together we can decide the goals of counselling and areas to be worked on in future sessions.
At this assessment session we can talk through the practicalities of counselling by looking at options for face-to-face, on-line or telephone sessions, suitable times, fees and cancellations, as well as confidentiality and the general rules that both client and counsellor must abide by.

This is your time to decide if you are happy to work with me. There is no obligation following the free assessment to continue or make a commitment.

All assessments are treated with the utmost confidentiality.


I am fully trained to provide counselling via telephone or zoom and worked exclusively in this way during the Global Covid Pandemic.
Counselling session via telephone or via zoom are a very good alternative for those clients that find it hard to travel, or want to minimise the cost associated with travel. On-line and telephone session also provide the flexibility of fitting sessions in around other commitments.


Depression, fear, anxiety and other mental health issues are some of the most common and uncomfortable emotions that we can experience at some point in our lives.

As a fully qualified counsellor I can help you explore your thoughts, feelings and behaviours so that you can develop a better understanding of yourself and others.

I will help you to find your own solutions, whether that’s making effective changes in your life or finding ways of coping with any issues that may arise.

As a member of the LGBTQIA+ community I know from experience how important it is to have counselling with someone who is non-judgemental of any LGBTQIA+ status but also knowledgeable enough to ensure that the counselling space feels safe enough to discuss LGBTQIA+ issues if so desired.


Exploring your gender identity can be a very difficult time. There are many obstacles to overcome, and it’s only normal that you may experience emotions that you cannot make sense of. You may experience different feelings, such as feeling confused and alone, depressed and anxious, angry and frustrated or even fearful and scared.

Some clients may just want to engage in transgender and non binary counselling in a safe space where your gender identity and the decisions you choose to make won’t be questioned or judged.

This specialist counselling can help you to find ways of dealing with these overwhelming emotions, providing the opportunity to understand and learn about what you can take control of and be responsible for, allowing you to be true to yourself and live your best life.